Cantina La Capilla: The Heart and Soul of Tequila, Jalisco

Tequila, Jalisco, is a town synonymous with the spirit that bears its name. Amidst its vibrant streets and historic distilleries lies a true gem of Mexican culture and history: Cantina La Capilla. As the oldest cantina in Tequila, this establishment is not just a place to enjoy a drink, but a living testament to the town’s rich heritage and enduring traditions.

Where is Tequila how to get there
Tequila Pueblo Magico Where is Tequila How to get there

A Historical Landmark

Cantina La Capilla, which translates to “The Chapel Bar,” was established in 1940 by Don Javier Delgado Corona. Nestled in the heart of Tequila, this cantina has witnessed the evolution of the town and the tequila industry over decades. The name “La Capilla” was chosen because of its proximity to a small chapel, symbolizing a place of solace and community.

From its inception, La Capilla has been more than just a bar. It has served as a gathering place for locals and visitors alike, offering a slice of authentic Mexican life. The cantina’s walls, adorned with memorabilia and photographs, tell stories of the past, reflecting the deep connection between the town’s residents and their cherished watering hole.

Don Javier Delgado Corona: The Soul Behind La Capilla

Don Javier Delgado Corona, the founder and longtime proprietor of Cantina La Capilla, was a man of legendary status in Tequila. Born and raised in the town, Don Javier dedicated his life to the cantina, creating an atmosphere that was both welcoming and unique. His warm personality and passion for tequila made him a beloved figure in the community.

Don Javer making Batangas at Cantina La Capilla in Tequila Jalisco Mexico
Batanga Coctail Don Javer making Batangas at Cantina La Capilla in Tequila Jalisco Mexico

Don Javier’s creation, the “Batanga,” is a cocktail that has gained international fame. The Batanga is a simple yet delightful mix of tequila, cola, lime juice, and a pinch of salt, stirred with a long knife. This drink embodies the spirit of La Capilla: unpretentious, authentic, and deeply rooted in tradition. To this day, the Batanga is a favorite among patrons, both local and foreign, who come to La Capilla to experience its magic.

The Atmosphere of La Capilla

Walking into Cantina La Capilla is like stepping back in time. The cantina’s rustic charm is evident in its wooden furniture, tiled floors, and vintage decorations. The bar itself is a piece of history, with its polished wooden counter and shelves lined with bottles of tequila, many of them rare and hard to find.

The cantina is often filled with the sounds of traditional Mexican music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. It is a place where conversations flow freely, and strangers quickly become friends. The sense of community is palpable, as locals share stories and memories, and visitors are welcomed with open arms.

A Hub of Tequila Culture

Cantina La Capilla is not just a place to drink; it is a cultural hub that celebrates the heritage of tequila. The cantina has played host to countless celebrations, from local festivals to intimate gatherings. It has been a witness to the town’s history, seeing generations of families pass through its doors.

Cantina La Capilla Jalisco Old Bar in Tequila Jalisco Mexico

Tequila enthusiasts from around the world make pilgrimages to La Capilla, eager to taste the spirit in its most authentic setting. The cantina offers a vast selection of tequilas, from well-known brands to small-batch artisanal varieties. Each sip at La Capilla is a journey into the heart of tequila-making, guided by the knowledgeable staff who share the stories behind each bottle.

La Capilla’s Enduring Legacy

Over the years, Cantina La Capilla has garnered numerous accolades and recognitions. It has been featured in travel guides, documentaries, and magazines, solidifying its status as a must-visit destination in Tequila. Despite its fame, La Capilla has remained true to its roots, preserving the traditions and values that have defined it for decades.

The cantina’s legacy is also carried forward by the family of Don Javier, who continue to operate the establishment with the same dedication and love. They honor Don Javier’s memory by maintaining the high standards he set and by ensuring that La Capilla remains a place of warmth and hospitality.

The Batanga: A Signature Cocktail

One cannot talk about Cantina La Capilla without delving deeper into its signature cocktail, the Batanga. This drink is a quintessential part of the cantina’s identity and a symbol of its unpretentious charm. The story of the Batanga begins with Don Javier himself, who crafted this cocktail as a way to highlight the local tequila in a refreshing and accessible manner.

The Batanga is made with a generous pour of tequila, the juice of a freshly squeezed lime, a pinch of salt, and a cola of your choice. What sets it apart is the method of stirring: Don Javier insisted on using a long, slender knife to mix the drink. This unique touch adds an element of rustic authenticity, echoing the cantina’s down-to-earth vibe.

Batanga cocktail in Tequila Jalisco Mexico
Batanga its origen in Tequila Mexico

The simplicity of the Batanga is deceptive; each ingredient plays a crucial role in creating a balanced and flavorful experience. The lime adds a bright, acidic kick that cuts through the sweetness of the cola, while the salt enhances the natural flavors of the tequila. The result is a cocktail that is both refreshing and complex, a true representation of La Capilla’s ethos.

The Impact on Local and Global Tequila Culture

Cantina La Capilla’s influence extends far beyond the town of Tequila. It has become a symbol of Mexican culture and hospitality, embodying the spirit of the people who call this region home. The cantina’s reputation has attracted visitors from around the world, all eager to experience the authentic charm and exceptional tequila that La Capilla offers.

The global tequila community holds La Capilla in high regard. Bartenders and tequila aficionados alike praise the cantina for its commitment to quality and tradition. Many have tried to replicate the Batanga, but none can quite capture the magic of sipping one at La Capilla, surrounded by the history and warmth of the cantina.

Visiting Cantina La Capilla: A Traveler’s Guide

For those planning a visit to Tequila, a trip to Cantina La Capilla is an absolute must. Here are a few tips to make the most of your visit: Consider hiring a local expert in Tequila.

1. Plan Ahead:

La Capilla is a popular destination, especially during weekends and festivals. It’s a good idea to visit during off-peak hours if you want to enjoy a more relaxed experience.

2. Try the Batanga:

No visit to La Capilla is complete without trying their signature cocktail. Order a Batanga and savor the flavors that have made this cantina famous.

3. Explore the Menu:

While the Batanga is a must-try, La Capilla also offers a variety of other tequilas and cocktails. Take the time to explore their extensive menu and discover new favorites.

4. Soak in the Atmosphere:

Take a moment to appreciate the cantina’s décor and ambiance. The vintage photographs and memorabilia tell the story of La Capilla’s rich history.

5. Engage with the Locals:

One of the best parts of visiting La Capilla is the opportunity to meet and chat with the locals. They are often more than happy to share stories and recommendations, making your visit even more memorable.

6. Respect the Tradition:

Cantina La Capilla is a place steeped in tradition. Show respect for the cantina and its patrons by adhering to local customs and etiquette.

The Future of Cantina La Capilla

As Cantina La Capilla moves forward, it remains committed to preserving the legacy of Don Javier and the traditions that have made it an iconic establishment. The cantina continues to be a place where history, culture, and community come together, offering a timeless experience for all who visit.

Cantina La Capilla stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Tequila, Jalisco. From its humble beginnings to its status as a cultural landmark, La Capilla has captured the hearts of locals and visitors alike. It is a place where tradition meets hospitality, and where the rich history of tequila can be savored with every sip.

History of Tequila
History of Tequila from Mexico

For those fortunate enough to visit, Cantina La Capilla offers more than just a drink; it offers an experience, a connection to the past, and a glimpse into the soul of Tequila. As you raise your glass at La Capilla, you are not just toasting to a fine tequila but to the legacy of Don Javier, the heritage of a town, and the timeless charm of this beloved cantina.