Juan The Jimador Folk Story

In the picturesque Magical Town of Tequila, Jalisco, a folk story has been passed down through generations, Whispered among the workers and local inhabitants. It is the story of a Mythical Beautiful Woman and how Juan the Jimador fell in love with her. A story as intriguing as it is terrifying.

Juan the Jimador – Traditions of Tequila Jalisco México

The Workers’ Routine

Every morning, the workers of the tequila factories made their way to their duties, passing along the path that led them to the washhouses and the scales. This path was surrounded by agaves, those noble hearts of the land that gave life to tequila. The air was always filled with the sweet and pungent aroma of cooked agave, mixed with the morning freshness of the countryside.

It was on this path that the workers began to tell stories about an incredibly beautiful woman who appeared before them. She was always a few meters ahead, walking with grace and elegance. She had a slender body and a figure that took anyone’s breath away. However, no matter how hard they tried to catch up to her, they never could. It was as if the beautiful woman was an illusion that faded with each step they took.

Folk Story of the beautiful woman (Siguanaba) told in Tequila Jalisco Mexico

The Brothers’ Encounter

One morning, two brothers, Juan and Pedro, were on their way to the factory. Juan, the older one, was a strong and brave young man, while Pedro, the younger one, was more cautious and thoughtful. Upon reaching the path by the washhouses, they saw the beautiful woman walking ahead of them. Juan, fascinated by her figure, decided that this morning would be different. “I have to know who she is,” he said determinedly. “With a body like that, she must be a beautiful woman.”

Pedro, worried, tried to dissuade him. “Brother, we’ve heard stories about her. No one has been able to catch up to her, and those who try are never the same.”

But Juan paid no attention to Pedro’s warnings. With firm resolve, he began to run after the woman. Pedro followed him, though at a safe distance, fearing the worst.

Leyenda de la Mujer Bonita en Tequila Jalisco México

Juan The Jimador Folk Story

The Mystery Unveiled

The woman walked calmly, unhurried, as if she was waiting for someone to follow her. Juan ran with all his might, and just at a bend in the path, he caught up to her. His heart was pounding, both from the effort and from the excitement of finally meeting the enigmatic woman.

But when he reached her and stood in front of her, his heart stopped for a moment. What he saw left him paralyzed. The woman, with her perfect body, slowly turned her face towards him, revealing a face that was not human. She had the face of a horse, a grotesque and diabolical image that made Juan scream in horror.

Pedro, who had arrived a few seconds later, saw his brother fall to the ground, fainting. He ran to him and tried to revive him, but Juan was unresponsive. With effort, Pedro carried his brother back to the town, where he was attended to by a local doctor.

The Consequences

Juan was in a coma for several days. When he finally woke up, he was no longer the same. He had lost part of his mental faculties, and his eyes, once full of life and determination, were now empty and vacant. He muttered incoherently about the woman with the horse’s face and never again was the brave young man Pedro had known.

Juan’s story became a warning for all the town’s workers. Many others had tried to catch up to the beautiful woman and had suffered similar fates. The legend grew, and over time, it became part of Tequila’s folklore. Parents told the story to their children, and the elders remembered those who had fallen victim to the beautiful woman.

A New Beginning

Pedro, for his part, became a wise and respected man in the town. He always remembered his brother and the lesson he had learned from that experience. He devoted himself to caring for Juan and sharing the story with anyone who would listen, hoping that no one else would suffer the same fate.

One day, while walking down the same path he had traveled with his brother, Pedro stopped at the bend where Juan had encountered the woman. He closed his eyes and offered a prayer, not only for his brother but for all those who had been victims of the mysterious figure.

From then on, the inhabitants of Tequila continued to see the beautiful woman, but no one else tried to catch up to her. The legend became part of the town’s identity, a mix of beauty and terror that reflected Tequila’s cultural richness and mystique.

The Legacy of the Legend (Siguanaba)

As the years passed, the legend of the beautiful woman was told and retold in many forms. Some said she was a spirit protecting the agaves, guarding the land and its wealth. Others believed she was a warning for greedy men who only saw outward beauty without understanding the true value of things.

Happy Holloween

But for Pedro, the legend would always be a reminder of his brother and the importance of prudence and wisdom. On quiet nights, when the wind whispered through the agaves, one could hear the story of the beautiful woman, a story that had left an indelible mark on the heart of Tequila.

And so, the legend endures, a testament to the traditions and beliefs of a town that celebrates life and mystery with equal fervor. A story that, like tequila itself, is strong and full of character, leaving a lasting impression on all who hear it.

Tequila Dragon: The Myth

Tequila Dragon The Myth

In the picturesque and magical town of Tequila, Jalisco, famous for its vast fields of blue agave and the iconic drink that bears its name, lies an ancient legend that adds a touch of mysticism to its charms. This is the story of the Dragon of Tequila, a fantastic creature believed to be buried beneath the ground of this historic town.

El Dragon de Tequila Jalisco leyenda

The Discovery of the Legend

The legend of the Dragon of Tequila has been passed down from generation to generation, shrouded in mystery and reverence. According to the tales of the town elders, centuries ago, when the first inhabitants settled in this region, they began to notice strange phenomena that they could not explain. The ground trembled slightly beneath their feet, and at certain moments, a deep and distant sigh could be heard, seemingly emanating from the very bowels of the earth.

The ancient sages of the town, guided by their ancestral wisdom and knowledge of the natural and spiritual world, began to investigate these phenomena. It was then that one night, during an intense storm, a lightning bolt illuminated the sky and revealed a gigantic figure in the shadows. It was said to be the dragon, an immense creature with gleaming scales and eyes that shone like fire. However, this vision was fleeting, and the dragon vanished into the darkness.

The Dragon and the Parroquia Santiago Apóstol

The legend tells that the Dragon of Tequila is buried beneath the town, coiled in an eternal slumber. Its head, it is said, lies right next to the St. James Parish Church, the spiritual heart of the town. Locals believe that its breath can be felt on the cross in the churchyard, especially during quiet nights when the wind blows gently, causing the cross to mysteriously vibrate.

how tequila town was founded
Tequila town foundation

This phenomenon has been the subject of many interpretations. Some think it is a sign of the dragon’s protection over the town, while others believe it is a reminder of the strength and power that lies beneath their feet. The Parroquia Santiago Apóstol has become a place of pilgrimage, not only for its religious importance but also for the mysticism associated with the dragon’s legend.

The Dragon’s Tail and the Tequila Volcano

The dragon’s tail, according to the legend, extends to the tip of the Tequila Volcano, a majestic and imposing volcano that dominates the town’s horizon. This connection between the dragon and the volcano adds an additional layer of mystery to the region’s geography. The inhabitants of Tequila believe that the volcano is an extension of the dragon and that its strength and energy are linked to the mythical creature that sleeps beneath the town.

Tequila Jalisco Mexico – Folk Sotories and Myth of a Dragon

The volcano, with its imposing presence, has witnessed many natural events and has been a source of inspiration for numerous stories and myths. The connection with the dragon not only enriches these stories but also instills a sense of respect and reverence towards the volcano. The tremors and movements of the earth around the volcano are seen by many as signs that the dragon is moving slightly in its deep sleep.

Symbols and Rituals of the Dragon

Over the years, the inhabitants of Tequila have developed various symbols and rituals in honor of the Dragon of Tequila. One of the most prominent is the Dragon Festival, held annually to pay homage to this powerful creature. During the festival, locals decorate the streets with dragon figures, lights, and flowers, and traditional parades and dances are performed to represent the dragon’s strength and majesty.

The festival is an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate their cultural heritage and beliefs. It is believed that honoring the dragon in this way not only brings good fortune to the town but also ensures the dragon’s continued protection over its inhabitants. During the festivity, special offerings are made at the Parroquia Santiago Apóstol, and many faithful visit the churchyard to feel the dragon’s breath and offer their prayers and thanks.

The Dragon’s Legacy in Tequila’s Culture

The Dragon of Tequila is not just a legend but an integral part of the town’s cultural identity. The dragon’s story has influenced local art, literature, and music. Many artists and writers have found inspiration in this mythical creature, creating works that capture its essence and its connection to the land and the community.

Representations of the dragon can be found in murals, sculptures, and paintings throughout the town. These artworks not only beautify Tequila but also keep the legend alive, passing it on to new generations. Children grow up listening to the dragon’s stories, and these narratives form an essential part of their cultural and spiritual education.

The Dragon’s Mystery

Despite the abundance of tales and the richness of oral tradition, the Dragon of Tequila remains a mystery. No one has seen the dragon in its entirety, and its real existence remains in the realm of legend. However, the belief in the dragon is so strong that its presence is felt in every corner of the town. The earth’s tremors, the sighs in the churchyard, and the majesty of the volcano are constant reminders of the legend that defines Tequila.

Scientists and geologists who have studied the region often marvel at the natural phenomena that occur in Tequila, but the locals know there is more to these events than science can explain. For them, the Dragon of Tequila is a spiritual reality that protects and gives life to their community.

The Dragon’s Protection

The dragon’s protection is a recurring theme in the legend. It is believed that the dragon watches over the inhabitants of Tequila and protects them from dangers. During times of hardship, such as droughts or plagues, the locals have turned to rituals and prayers to the dragon, seeking its divine intervention. Many stories tell of how the dragon has responded to these pleas, bringing rains or driving away diseases.

Where is Tequila how to get there
Tequila Pueblo Magico Where is Tequila How to get there

These stories strengthen the community’s faith in the dragon’s protective power and its role as the town’s guardian. Devotion to the dragon manifests in the daily lives of Tequila’s inhabitants, who often leave symbolic offerings in places associated with the legend, such as the Parroquia Santiago Apóstol and the areas around the volcano.

The Transmission of the Legend

The legend of the Dragon of Tequila is primarily passed down through oral tradition. The town’s elders are the custodians of this story and ensure that the new generations know and respect the legend. Full moon nights are special moments for telling these stories, and it is common to see families gathered around a fire, listening intently as the elders recount the mystical events and encounters with the dragon.

Each recounting, each interpretation of the legend, adds a new layer of meaning to the dragon’s story. Children listen with wonder and curiosity, and as they grow, they become the new storytellers, ensuring that the legend is never forgotten.

The legend of the Dragon of Tequila is an essential part of Tequila, Jalisco’s cultural heritage. This fascinating story, which combines elements of nature and the supernatural, not only adds a special charm to the town but also strengthens the sense of identity and community among its inhabitants. The belief in the dragon, with its head next to the Parroquia Santiago Apóstol and its tail extending to the Tequila Volcano, is a symbol of the deep connection between the people of Tequila and their land.

Every time a tremor shakes the ground, every time the wind gently blows through the churchyard cross, the inhabitants of Tequila remember the dragon’s protective presence. This legend, rich in history and mysticism, continues to inspire locals and visitors alike, keeping alive the magic of Tequila, a true magical town.

The Myth of the Divine Lightning

The Myth of the Divine Lightning as The Origin of Tequila

In the heart of Jalisco, Mexico, lies a magical town known worldwide not only for its beauty but also for being the birthplace of one of the country’s most emblematic drinks: tequila. Tequila, with its landscape dominated by vast fields of blue agave, holds a rich history and a fascinating legend that transports us to ancient and mystical times, revealing the origin of this spirited beverage.

The Myth of the Divine Lightning as The Origin of Tequila

The Ancestral Origins of Agave

Before the arrival of Spanish conquerors, the indigenous people of the region already revered the agave as a sacred plant. They used its leaves and fibers to make clothing, build roofs, and create utensils. Additionally, they extracted a sweet sap that they fermented to obtain an intoxicating drink called pulque, used in ceremonies and religious rituals.

The ancient inhabitants firmly believed that the agave was a divine gift, a blessing from the gods for the community’s well-being. However, destiny had an even more surprising and transcendental discovery in store for them.

The Miraculous Storm

The legend of tequila begins with a storm that changed the destiny of the town of Tequila forever. According to the story, one day, a lightning storm broke out over the region, with lightning illuminating the sky and thunder echoing through the valleys. Amidst this natural chaos, a lightning bolt struck directly on a field of agaves, instantly setting it ablaze.

Join Panoramex for Tour Tequila from Guadalajara and more stories.

The flames consumed the plants, but instead of destruction, the fire brought with it a sweet and intoxicating aroma that quickly spread through the air. Intrigued and amazed by this phenomenon, the townspeople approached the site of the impact. There, they found that the hearts of the agaves, known as piñas, had been cooked by the heat of the lightning, releasing a viscous, golden-looking juice.

The First Distillate

One of the town’s brave souls, driven by curiosity and the delightful aroma, decided to taste the liquid emanating from the cooked piñas. To his surprise, the flavor was exquisite, sweet, and with an intoxicating property even more potent than pulque. The villagers interpreted this event as a direct message from the gods, a divine revelation about a new way to use agave.

The myth of the first tequila distilation

Convinced that they had been blessed with a celestial gift, the inhabitants began experimenting with the juice of the cooked agave. They discovered that by fermenting and distilling it, they obtained a clear and strong drink, which soon became the centerpiece of their rituals and festivities. Thus, the first distilled agave drink, known today as tequila, was born.

Mayahuel and Quetzalcóatl

The legend of the divine lightning is incomplete without mentioning Mayahuel, the goddess of maguey and fertility, and Quetzalcóatl, the feathered serpent god. According to beliefs, Mayahuel lived in the heart of each agave plant, being the protector and giver of life. Quetzalcóatl, in love with the goddess, courted her in secret, sharing a forbidden love that the jealous gods soon discovered.

The gods, enraged by this union, destroyed Mayahuel, but her spirit remained on earth. From her body sprang the agaves, and each time tequila is distilled, her memory is honored, and her spirit is invoked. This divine connection makes tequila not just a drink but also a sacred act that unites humans with the gods.

Divine Protection

Over time, tequila production became a fundamental part of life in Tequila, Jalisco. However, it was not without challenges. Droughts, pests, and other natural disasters threatened to destroy the agave fields on several occasions. In these moments of crisis, the townspeople resorted to rituals and ceremonies to invoke the protection of the gods.

Tequila Story myth of The Myth of the Divine Lightning as The Origin of Tequila
Mayahuel Tequila Goddess

One of the most remembered stories tells how, during a devastating drought, the villagers organized a grand ceremony in honor of Mayahuel and Quetzalcóatl. In response to their prayers, a gentle wind began to blow, and the clouds gathered, unleashing a torrential rain that saved the crops. This event reinforced the belief in divine protection over the agave fields and tequila production.

The Guardians of Agave

In addition to the gods, it is said that the agave fields are guarded by ancient spirits known as the guardians of agave. These entities, according to legend, appear as tall and robust men dressed in agave clothing and patrol the fields during full moon nights. Their mission is to protect the plants and ensure that only those with pure intentions can harvest them.

How was Tequila founded early period
How was Tequila founded early period

The guardians of agave are highly respected by the inhabitants of Tequila. Those who try to harm the plants or harvest the agave without the proper respect are pursued and punished with bad luck and misfortune. This legend highlights the deep connection and respect the inhabitants have towards the land and its resources.

The Tequila Festival

To honor the history and legends of tequila, the town of Tequila celebrates the annual Tequila Festival, an event full of color, music, and ancestral traditions. During this festival, locals and visitors participate in parades, traditional dances, and ceremonies in honor of Mayahuel and the ancient gods.

One of the most anticipated moments of the festival is the nighttime procession to the temple of Mayahuel, where participants bring offerings of flowers, fruits, and small barrels of tequila. Candles are lit, and songs in Nahuatl, the language of the ancient inhabitants, are chanted to invoke the gods’ protection and blessing over the agave fields and tequila production.

The Transmission of the Legend

The legend of the divine lightning and the origin of tequila has been passed down from generation to generation, preserving its mystical essence and devotion to the ancient gods. The town’s elders are the guardians of these stories, and on full moon nights, they gather around bonfires to recount to the younger ones the story of the divine lightning, Mayahuel’s spirit, and the guardians of agave.

Each time a child hears the legend for the first time, a deep bond is created between them and the land of Tequila, a connection that lasts a lifetime. This oral transmission not only preserves the history but also strengthens the identity and sense of belonging of the inhabitants of this magical town.

The Importance of Tequila in Mexican Culture

Tequila is not just an alcoholic drink; it is a symbol of Mexican culture and the resilience and creativity of its people. Each sip of tequila tells a story of tradition, hard work, and the connection with the land and the gods. It is a reminder of Mexico’s rich cultural heritage and the importance of preserving and honoring its traditions.

In Tequila, Jalisco, tequila is more than an economic product; it is the soul of the town. The agave fields, with their orderly rows and characteristic blue-green color, are a living testament to the dedcation and love of the inhabitants for their land and traditions. Every bottle of tequila that leaves Tequila carries with it a piece of this magical legend, spreading the town’s history and spirit to every corner of the world.

Join us for a Great Tequila Experience departing from Guadalajara

The legend of the divine lightning and the origin of tequila in Tequila, Jalisco, is a magical tale that intertwines the history, tradition, and spirituality of a town that has known how to preserve and honor its roots. Through the story of the divine lightning, Mayahuel’s spirit, and the guardians of agave, this legend invites us to appreciate the cultural richness and deep meaning of tequila, a drink that not only represents Mexico but also carries the essence and spirit of Tequila.

Every time a glass of tequila is raised, homage is paid to the ancient gods, to the men and women who have worked the land, and to the mysterious and magical story that has given life to this unique beverage. The legend of Tequila lives on in every sip, in every celebration, and in the heart of every inhabitant of this enchanting magical town.

Batanga Cocktail

The Batanga Cocktail: A Legacy of Cantina La Capilla in Tequila, Jalisco

In the heart of Tequila, Jalisco, stands Cantina La Capilla, the oldest and most iconic cantina in the town. Established in 1940 by Don Javier Delgado Corona, this historic establishment is a beacon of traditional Mexican culture and hospitality. Among its many claims to fame, Cantina La Capilla is renowned for creating the Batanga cocktail, a drink that has gained legendary status among tequila enthusiasts worldwide. This article delves into the rich history of the Batanga cocktail, its creator, and the cantina that has become a cultural landmark in Tequila.

Batanga Coctail at La Capilla Bar Don Javier Making coctail Batanga in Tequila Jalisco Mexico
Batanga Coctail

The Birth of Cantina La Capilla

Cantina La Capilla, or “The Chapel Bar,” was named for its proximity to a small chapel in the town of Tequila. When Don Javier Delgado Corona opened its doors, he aimed to create a place where locals and visitors could gather, share stories, and enjoy the best tequilas. Over the years, La Capilla has become much more than a bar; it is a cornerstone of the community, a place where traditions are kept alive, and a sanctuary for those who appreciate the art of tequila-making.

Cantina La Capilla Jalisco Old Bar  in Tequila Mexico
Cantina La Capilla Jalisco Old Bar in Tequila Mexico

Don Javier Delgado Corona: The Man Behind the Batanga

Don Javier Delgado Corona was a beloved figure in Tequila. Born and raised in the town, he was deeply connected to its traditions and culture. Don Javier’s warm personality and passion for tequila made him a natural host, and his cantina quickly became a popular gathering spot. He was known for his generous hospitality, always ready with a smile and a story to share.

The Batanga cocktail, Don Javier’s most famous creation, embodies his spirit of simplicity and authenticity. It is a drink that reflects his love for tequila and his desire to create something that could be enjoyed by all. Don Javier’s legacy lives on through the Batanga and the cantina, both of which continue to attract visitors from around the world.

It was in a hot afternoon at the cantina that I asked Don Javier ¨why the name batanga?¨ He trusted me that during the colonial times the Spanish galleons on their new Asian route from Europe to the new world passed through Manila in the Philippines where they loaded glassware that they called “Batangas style” because they had their design in that city of Batangas in the Philippines. Upon arriving here in the New Spain, they unloaded tall, transparent glasses called Batangas at the Port of San Blas (today is Nayarit). In trains of mules they were distributed throughout the interior of the country. In the small towns they usually preserve the original names of an object obsolete in the big cities, they call a closet a “wardrobe”, a pharmacy is called an “apothecary” and so on.

Map of the Philippines (Old Spanish Colony)

Don Javier remembers that on one occasion he was serving some clients with the last name Orendain and they asked him to serve them extra large drinks and he says that he ran out in search of larger containers and found those glasses to serve them. Since then, these generously sized glass glasses were supplied and the original name Filipino Batanga stuck to them.

Don Fernando From de Orandain Dinasty

The Creation of the Batanga Cocktail

The story of the Batanga cocktail begins in the early days of Cantina La Capilla. Don Javier wanted to create a cocktail that was easy to make, refreshing, and highlighted the flavors of the local tequila. Using simple ingredients that were readily available, he crafted a drink that has since become a staple of the cantina.

Ingredients and Preparation

Orendain Tequila Tasting

The Batanga is made with just a few basic ingredients:

  • Tequila: The star of the cocktail, traditionally a high-quality blanco tequila Orendain.
  • Fresh Lime Juice: Adds a bright, acidic kick that balances the sweetness of the cola.
  • Cola: Provides sweetness and effervescence, making the drink refreshing and easy to enjoy.
  • Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the flavors and adds a unique twist.

What sets the Batanga apart is the method of preparation. Don Javier insisted on stirring the drink with a long, slender knife, a practice that has become a hallmark of the Batanga. This distinctive touch adds an element of rustic authenticity and echoes the cantina’s down-to-earth charm.

Batanga its origen in Tequila Mexico

The Batanga Recipe

  1. Rim a tall glass with salt.
  2. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  3. Add a generous pour of blanco tequila Orendain.
  4. Squeeze the juice of one fresh lime into the glass.
  5. Top up with cola.
  6. Stir the drink with a long knife (or a bar spoon if a knife is not available).

The result is a cocktail that is both simple and complex, refreshing and flavorful. The Batanga captures the essence of Tequila, Jalisco, and the spirit of Cantina La Capilla.

The Atmosphere of Cantina La Capilla

Stepping into Cantina La Capilla is like stepping back in time. The cantina’s rustic charm is evident in its wooden furniture, tiled floors, and vintage decorations. The bar itself, with its polished wooden counter and shelves lined with bottles of tequila, is a piece of history.

The atmosphere at La Capilla is lively and welcoming. Traditional Mexican music fills the air, and the sounds of laughter and conversation create a vibrant, communal feel. Locals and visitors alike gather to enjoy a Batanga, share stories, and soak in the cantina’s rich history.

The Batanga’s Rise to Fame

Over the years, the Batanga cocktail has gained international recognition. It has been featured in numerous travel guides, cocktail books, and magazines, solidifying its status as a must-try drink for tequila enthusiasts. Despite its fame, the Batanga remains true to its roots, a simple and authentic cocktail that reflects the spirit of Cantina La Capilla.

Visitors from around the world come to La Capilla to experience the Batanga in its original setting. The cantina has become a pilgrimage site for those who appreciate tequila and want to taste a piece of its history. The Batanga’s rise to fame is a testament to Don Javier’s legacy and the enduring appeal of Cantina La Capilla.

The Impact on Tequila Culture

The Batanga cocktail has had a significant impact on tequila culture. It has introduced many people to the versatility and depth of tequila, showcasing how it can be enjoyed in a refreshing and approachable way. The Batanga also highlights the importance of simplicity in cocktail-making, proving that great drinks don’t need to be complicated.

Cantina La Capilla, with its creation of the Batanga, has played a crucial role in promoting and preserving the traditions of tequila-making. It has helped to elevate the status of tequila, showing that it is a spirit worthy of appreciation and respect. The cantina’s influence extends beyond Tequila, Jalisco, as it continues to inspire bartenders and tequila lovers worldwide.

Visiting Cantina La Capilla

For those planning a trip to Tequila, a visit to Cantina La Capilla is a must. Here are a few tips to make the most of your experience:

Plan Ahead

Cantina La Capilla is a popular destination, especially on weekends and during local festivals. Visiting during off-peak hours can provide a more relaxed and intimate experience.

Order a Batanga

No visit to La Capilla is complete without trying the Batanga. Order one and savor the flavors that have made this cocktail famous.

Explore the Menu

While the Batanga is a highlight, La Capilla also offers a variety of other tequilas and cocktails. Take the time to explore the extensive menu and discover new favorites.

Soak in the Atmosphere

Take a moment to appreciate the cantina’s décor and ambiance. The vintage photographs and memorabilia tell the story of La Capilla’s rich history.

Engage with Locals

One of the best parts of visiting La Capilla is the opportunity to meet and chat with the locals. They often share stories and recommendations, making your visit even more memorable.

Respect the Tradition

Cantina La Capilla is a place steeped in tradition. Show respect for the cantina and its patrons by adhering to local customs and etiquette.

The Future of the Batanga and Cantina La Capilla

As Cantina La Capilla moves forward, it remains committed to preserving the legacy of Don Javier and the traditions that have made it an iconic establishment. The cantina continues to be a place where history, culture, and community come together, offering a timeless experience for all who visit.

The Batanga, with its simple ingredients and rich history, will undoubtedly continue to be a symbol of Cantina La Capilla and the town of Tequila. As more people discover and appreciate this cocktail, its legacy will grow, further cementing its place in the world of tequila.


The Batanga cocktail is more than just a drink; it is a reflection of the rich history and vibrant culture of Tequila, Jalisco. Created by the legendary Don Javier Delgado Corona at Cantina La Capilla, the Batanga embodies simplicity, authenticity, and the spirit of community.

As you raise your glass at Cantina La Capilla, you are not just toasting to a fine cocktail but to the legacy of Don Javier, the heritage of a town, and the timeless charm of this beloved cantina. Whether you are a seasoned tequila connoisseur or a curious traveler, the Batanga and Cantina La Capilla offer an experience that is both unforgettable and deeply rooted in Mexican tradition.